Project acronym: ACROSS
Project full title: Adaptive Camouflage foR sOldierS and vehicles
Team: 19 Partners - 9 Countries
Area: Defence
- Topic
- The ACROSS project aims to push the undergoing technological effort addressing adaptive camouflage for protection of land systems.
- Objectives
- ACROSS will develop solutions in two specific areas of protection systems: soldier and platform systems, addressing all the objectives and requirements of the call. The project will develop multispectral, adaptive camouflage solutions that are able to adapt to the various scenarios mentioned above.
- Role of CREO
- In ACROSS, CREO is studying adaptive IR camouflage solutions based on coatings that change emissivity in response to temperature or electric stimuli.
- Solution / Technology
- Research will focus on a combination of innovative and current technologies using disruptive materials to achieve protection in the multiple spectral ranges. Moreover, ACROSS will develop adaptive camouflage techniques and devices that are able to adapt their signatures to the background, to the surveillance sensors (mainly when active), different weather and daytime conditions and threat level hence reducing the ranges of detection, tracking, recognition and identification increasing the survivability of soldiers and platforms.
Web site: ACROSS Landing Page
Social: LinkedIn | YouTube | X
Additional Material:
Project Factsheet