

real-time Monitoring and Sampling of CB menaces for improved dynamic mapping of threats vulnerabilities and response capacities


Adaptive Camouflage foR sOldierS and vehicles

(ESA Artes C&G)

Technology and Product Development of First-Surface Flexible Optical Solar Reflectors

(EC H2020)

SMART and FLEXible Optical Solar Reflectors

(ESA Artes 5.1)

FIRST-surface FLEXible OSR

(EC H2020)

META-material flexible Optical Solar Reflectors

(EU H2020)

Remotely Operated CBRNe Scene Assessment and Forensic Examination


System for Risk Analysis and Forecast for Critical Infrastracture in the AppenninEs dorsaL Regions

(EU H2020)

Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN

(Italian MISE)

Stand-Off System for Monitoring Asbestos in Building Rubble


Rapid Air Particle Monitoring against Biological Threats

(Italian PNRM)

Smart Dust Sensing (SDS) for stand off detection of trace explosives and chemical agents

(Italian PNRM)

Development of distributed sensors for monitoring and detection of chemical/biological threats

(EC FP7)

Rapid screening and identification of illegal Drugs by IR Absorption spectroscopy and gas Chromatography

(EC FP7)

BOmb factories detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors

(EDA Cat. B)

Chemical warfare Agent aNAlizer based on low cost dual band IR mIcrOsytems

Area : Smart Sensors - Plain List

  1. MoSaic [real-time Monitoring and Sampling of CB menaces for improved dynamic mapping of threats, vulnerabilities and response capacities]
    status: open – web site: MoSaic Official Page

  2. ROCSAFE (EU H2020) [Remotely Operated CBRNe Scene Assessment and Forensic Examination]
    status: closed – web site: ROCSAFE

  3. RAFAEL [System for Risk Analysis and Forecast for Critical Infrastracture in the AppenninEs dorsaL Regions]
    status: closed – web site: RAFAEL

  4. RISEN (EU H2020) [Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN]
    status: open – web site: RISEN

  5. MASSO (Italian MISE) [Stand-Off System for Monitoring Asbestos in Building Rubble]
    status: closed

  6. RAMBO (EDA JIP-CBRN) [Rapid Air Particle Monitoring against Biological Threats]
    status: closed

  7. SDS (Italian PNRM) [Smart Dust Sensing (SDS) for stand off detection of trace explosives and chemical agents]
    status: closed

  8. MOTOR (Italian PNRM) [Development of distributed sensors for monitoring and detection of chemical/biological threats]
    status: closed

  9. DIRAC (EC FP7) [Rapid screening and identification of illegal Drugs by IR Absorption spectroscopy and gas Chromatography]
    status: closed – web site:

  10. BONAS (EC FP7) [BOmb factories detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors]
    status: closed – web site: BONAS Project

  11. CANARIO (EDA Cat. B) [Chemical warfare Agent aNAlizer based on low cost dual band IR mIcrOsytems]
    status: closed

Area : Space Technologies - Plain List

  1. FIRST-FLEX (ESA Artes C&G) [Technology and Product Development of First-Surface Flexible Optical Solar Reflectors]
    status: closed – web site: ESA Connectivity & Secure Communication dedicated page

  2. SMART-FLEX (EC H2020) [SMART and FLEXible Optical Solar Reflectors]
    status: closed – web site: SMART-FLEX H2020 Project

  3. FIRST-FLEX (ESA Artes 5.1) [FIRST-surface FLEXible Optical Solar Reflectors]
    status: closed – web site: FIRST-FLEX Artes 5.1 Project

  4. META-REFLECTOR (EC H2020) [META-material flexible Optical Solar Reflectors.]
    status: closed – web site: META-REFLECTOR H2020 Project

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