MASSO (Italian MISE)
Project acronym: MASSO
Project full title: Stand-Off System for Monitoring Asbestos in Building Rubble
Funding: Italian MISE
Area: Smart Sensors
- Topic
- Stand-Off detection of Asbestos
- Objectives
- Development of a short-distance stand-off sensor to monitor building rubble flowing on a conveyor belt, and to detect the presence of asbestos.
- Role of CREO
- Project Coordinator and technology provider.
- Sensing solution / Technology developed by CREO
- Sensing based on IR backscattering spectroscopy. The system consists of an External Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser source, a thermocamera, collimation / collection optics, and expert system for data analysis.
TRL: 4.
The sensor breadboard was tested with a variety of building material samples, partly containing asbestos, partly not. Probability of Detection and Specificity resulted around 80% and slightly lower than the acceptable thersholds fixed at 85%. One of the main issue was found to be the presence of paints and mold at the surface, that can mask the signal of asbestos fibers